Mastering Unreal Technology Volume III: Introduction to UnrealScript with Unreal Engine 3 is a tutorial-based text covering the process of coding with UnrealScript. Each chapter introduces a key concept, and then reinforces that concept through the completion of a set of tutorials. The tutorial approach used in the book is unique in the realm of UnrealScripting books in that it covers pertinent, real-world examples, rather than just simple theoretical exercises.
Jason Busby, President/CEO of 3D Buzz, Inc, teaches 3D animation, programming, and game design through his website 3DBuzz.com, which has nearly 250,000 members. He co-authored Mastering Unreal: The Art of Level Design and has created 100+ hours of video training. Zak Parrish, Chief of Operations at 3D Buzz, helped produce training videos that shipped with Unreal Tournament 2004 Special Edition, and co-authored Mastering Unreal. Jeff Wilson, consultant at 3D Buzz, Inc., has studied the Unreal Engine for five years while modding Unreal Tournament 2003 and 2004. David Owens, a member of Microsoft's Visual Studio WPF team, assists users on 3D Buzz's forums, and contributes to 3D Buzz videos.