《Cue Reactivity in Virtual Reality》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-21) 175 0
书籍简介:Cigarette smokers in laboratory experiments readily respond to smoking stimuli with increased craving. An altern...

《3ds max/VRay室内外设计材质与灯光速查手册(第2版)》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-21) 180 0
书籍简介:《3ds max/Vray室内外设计材质与灯光速查手册》是业内渲染专家针对室内外效果图中的灯光材质制作规律,基于3ds max及VRa...

《Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-18) 283 0
副标题:Designing and Developing Augmented and Virtual Environments书籍简介:Here is the first of a two-volume set...

《Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality:Applications in Health, Cultural Heritage, and Industry》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-18) 272 0
书籍简介:This two-volume set LNCS 10909 and 10910 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conferen...

《Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality:7th International Conference》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-18) 287 0
书籍简介:This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Virtual, Augmented and M...

《Multiplying Worlds》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-18) 142 0
副标题:Romanticism, Modernity, and the Emergence of Virtual Reality书籍简介:Multiplying Worlds argues that modern...

《Konzeption Eines Modells Zur Bewertung Der Wirtschaftlichkeit Von Virtual-Reality-Systemen in Der Digitalen Fabrik》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-18) 137 0
书籍简介:Inhaltsangabe: Zusammenfassung: Produzierende Unternehmen sehen sich durch Globalisierung und zunehmenden Wettbe...

《Immersive Ideals Critical Distances》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-18) 174 0
副标题: A Study of the Affinity Between Artistic Ideologies Based in Virtual Reality and Previous Immersive Idioms书籍...

《Unified Discourse Analysis:Language, Reality, Virtual Worlds and Video Games 》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-15) 318 0
书籍简介:Discourse Analysis is becoming increasingly "multimodal," concerned primarily with the interplay of language, im...

《The VR Book:Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-15) 162 0
书籍简介:Virtual reality (VR) can provide our minds with direct access to digital media in a way that seemingly has no li...