《Virtual Reality Technology and Applications》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-11) 182 0
书籍简介:Offering a comprehensive guide to the theoretical and practical elements of virtual reality, from the mathematic...

《Virtual Reality for Industrial Applications 》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-11) 173 0
书籍简介:Just a few years ago, virtual reality was regarded as more a toy than a tool. Today, however, it is becoming the...

《Virtual Reality Blueprints》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-11) 181 0
书籍简介:If you are a game developer and a VR enthusiast now looking to get stuck into the VR app development process by ...

《Virtual Reality and the Criminal Justice System,Exploring the Possibilities for Correctional Rehabilitation》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-11) 150 0
书籍简介:Virtual Reality (VR) is becoming a popular technology for gaming and entertainment; however, researchers and sci...

《Virtual Reality Analytics:How VR and AR change Business Intelligence》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-11) 191 0
书籍简介:Way more than traditional web shop analysis technology VR analytics promises to deliver even deeper insights int...

《Virtual Reality (VR)-Based Learning Environment》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-11) 152 0
书籍简介:This book proposes an instructional design theoretical framework that prescribes instructional and design method...

《Virtual and Augmented Reality in Mental Health Treatment 》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-11) 138 0
书籍简介:Medical and technological organizations have recently developed therapy and assistance solutions that venture be...

《Unreal for Mobile and Standalone VR,Create Professional VR Apps Without Coding》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-11) 216 0
书籍简介:Apply the techniques needed to build VR applications for mobile and standalone head-mounted displays (HMDs) usin...

《Unreal Engine 4 Virtual Reality Projects》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-11) 178 0
书籍简介:This book is for anyone interested in learning to develop Virtual Reality games and applications using UE4. Deve...

《Pabell N Virtual Para Un Taller de Dise O Arquitect Nico En VRML》

形象思维VR 图书馆 3年前 (2020-05-11) 202 0
书籍简介:El avance de las comunicacionesy las herramientas tecnol gicas han redefinido la manera de proyectary representa...