
《Beyond Reality:A guide to to Alternate Reality Gaming》


This is not a game-or is it? Alternate reality games (ARGs) ask players to ignore barriers that separate the real world from the virtual-Web sites, television ads, movie credits, and even game-generated phone calls can be clues to uncovering the mystery the game represents. ARGs have become the fascinating new compulsion for the people who participate in them, as they share information and collaborate to solve the game's challenging puzzle. "Beyond Reality" uncovers the mysteries behind this new form of gaming. It discusses the intriguing implications of blurring the lines between the real world and the virtual. Interested in trying your hand? This book takes you beyond the ARG basics, teaching you how to focus your critical thinking skills into an ARG context as you discover how to play the game. You can examine how an actual ARG was played out and then participate in an ARG simulation yourself as you step inside the world of alternate reality gaming.


John W. Gosney

John Gosney is currently the Director of Information Technology for the Indiana University School of Dentistry, and is also an adjunct instructor for the IU School of Liberal Arts on the Indianapolis campus. John has worked in both the publishing and pharmaceutical industries as an application developer, technical writer, and training consultant. John writes extensively on all …


July 8, 2005




